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There are 1610 publications in this collection, published between 1979 and 2024. Showing 1301 - 1350.

Kishimoto, Chad T; Fuller, George M; Smith, Christel J: Coherent Active-Sterile Neutrino Flavor Transformation in the Early Universe, 2006

Kishimoto, Chad T; Fuller, George M: Neutrino‐Induced Hydrogen Burning, 2006

Malkov, MA; Diamond, PH: Nonlinear Shock Acceleration beyond the Bohm Limit, 2006

Matsuzaki, Shinya; Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H; Tanabashi, Masaharu: One-Loop Corrections to the S and T Parameters in a Three Site Higgsless Model, 2006

McDevitt, CJ; Diamond, PH: Multiscale interaction of a tearing mode with drift wave turbulence: A minimal self-consistent model, 2006

Simmons, EH; Chivukula, RS; He, H‐J; Kurachi, M; Tanabashi, M: Higgsless Models: Lessons from Deconstruction, 2006

Smith, Christel J; Fuller, George M; Kishimoto, Chad T; Abazajian, Kevork N: Light element signatures of sterile neutrinos and cosmological lepton numbers, 2006

Abazajian, Kevork; Bell, Nicole F; Fuller, George M; Wong, Yvonne YY: Cosmological lepton asymmetry, primordial nucleosynthesis and sterile neutrinos, 2005

Amanik, Philip S; Fuller, George M; Grinstein, Benjamin: Flavor changing supersymmetry interactions in a supernova, 2005

Belyaev, Alexander; Blum, Alexander; Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H: The meaning of “Higgs”: τ+τ- and γγ at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC, 2005

Davis, M; Gerke, BF; Coil, AL; Cooper, MC; Yan, R; Newman, JA et al.: Measuring the Growth of Structure with Spectroscopically Identified Groups and Clusters, 2005

Diamond, PH; Itoh, S-I; Itoh, K; Hahm, TS: Zonal flows in plasma—a review, 2005

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS; Lin, Z: Dynamics of turbulence spreading in magnetically confined plasmas, 2005

Hahm, TS; Diamond, PH; Lin, Z; Rewoldt, G; Gurcan, O; Ethier, S: On the dynamics of edge-core coupling, 2005

Hewett, JoAnne L; Hitlin, David G; Abe, T; Agashe, K; Albert, J; Ali, A et al.: The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory, 2005

Itoh, K; Hallatschek, K; Itoh, S-I; Diamond, PH; Toda, S: Coherent structure of zonal flow and onset of turbulent transport, 2005

Itoh, K; Itoh, S-I; Hahm, TS; Diamond, PH: Effect of Turbulence Spreading on Subcritical Turbulence in Inhomogeneous Plasmas, 2005

Itoh, K; Nagashima, Y; Itoh, S-I; Diamond, PH; Fujisawa, A; Yagi, M et al.: On the bicoherence analysis of plasma turbulence, 2005

Malkov, MA; Diamond, PH; Sagdeev, RZ: On the Gamma-Ray Spectra Radiated by Protons Accelerated in Supernova Remnant Shocks near Molecular Clouds: The case of Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7–3946, 2005

Mazurie, Aurélien; Bottani, Samuel; Vergassola, Massimo: An evolutionary and functional assessment of regulatory network motifs, 2005

Barwick, Steve W; Beacom, John F; Cianciolo, Vince; Dodelson, Scott; Feng, Jonathan L; Fuller, George M et al.: APS Neutrino Study: Report of the Neutrino Astrophysics and Cosmology Working Group, 2004

Chivukula, R Sekhar; He, Hong-Jian; Howard, Joseph; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Structure of electroweak corrections due to extended gauge symmetries, 2004

Fujisawa, A; Itoh, K; Iguchi, H; Matsuoka, K; Okamura, S; Shimizu, A et al.: Identification of Zonal Flows in a Toroidal Plasma, 2004

Grinstein, Benjamin: CKM Sides: Theory, 2004

Grinstein, Benjamin; Savrov, Mikhail A: SU(3) Decay Amplitudes of Pentaquarks into Decuplet Baryons, 2004

Group, Particle Data; Eidelman, S; Hayes, KG; Olive, KA; Aguilar-Benitez, M; Amsler, C et al.: Review of Particle Physics, 2004

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH: Hamiltonian structure of the fluid electron temperature gradient driven mode, 2004

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH: Nonlinear elongation of two-dimensional structures in electron temperature gradient driven turbulence, 2004

Gürcan, ÖD; Diamond, PH: Streamer formation and collapse in electron temperature gradient driven turbulence, 2004

Hahm, TS; Diamond, PH; Lin, Z; Itoh, K; Itoh, S-I: Turbulence spreading into the linearly stable zone and transport scaling, 2004

Holland, C; Diamond, PH: A simple model of interactions between electron temperature gradient and drift-wave turbulence, 2004

Kim, Eun-jin; Diamond, PH: Random shearing by zonal flows and transport reduction, 2004

Kim, Eun-jin; Diamond, PH: Response to “Comment on ‘Dynamics of zonal flow saturation in strong collisionless drift wave turbulence’ ” [Phys. Plasmas 11, 1744 (2004)], 2004

Kim, Eun-jin; Diamond, PH; Hahm, TS: Transport reduction by shear flows in dynamical models, 2004

Kolbe, E; Langanke, K; Fuller, GM: Neutrino-Induced Fission of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, 2004

Kurachi, Masafumi; Chivukula, R Sekhar; Simmons, Elizabeth H; He, Hong-Jian; Tanabashi, Masaharu: Oblique Corrections in Deconstructed Higgsless Models, 2004

Tynan, GR; Burin, MJ; Holland, C; Antar, G; Crocker, N; Diamond, PH: Radially sheared azimuthal flows and turbulent transport in a cylindrical plasma, 2004

Abazajian, Kevork N; Fuller, George M; Patel, Mitesh: Cosmological Constraints on Bulk Neutrinos, 2003

Balantekin, AB; Fuller, GM: Supernova neutrino–nucleus astrophysics, 2003


Davis, Marc; Faber, Sandra M; Newman, Jeffrey; Phillips, Andrew C; Ellis, Richard S; Steidel, Charles C et al.: Science Objectives and Early Results of the DEEP2 Redshift Survey, 2003

Diamond, PH; Malkov, M: Dynamics of helicity transport and Taylor relaxation, 2003

Faber, Sandra M; Phillips, Andrew C; Kibrick, Robert I; Alcott, Barry; Allen, Steven L; Burrous, Jim et al.: The DEIMOS spectrograph for the Keck II Telescope: integration and testing, 2003

Fetter, J; McLaughlin, GC; Balantekin, AB; Fuller, GM: Active–sterile neutrino conversion: consequences for the r-process and supernova neutrino detection, 2003

Fuller, George M; Kusenko, Alexander; Mocioiu, Irina; Pascoli, Silvia: Pulsar kicks from a dark-matter sterile neutrino, 2003

Grinstein, Benjamin; Savrov, Michael: Explicit Quark-Hadron Duality Violations in B-Meson Decays, 2003

Gruzinov, I; Diamond, PH; Rosenbluth, MN: Hysteresis and relaxation in bistable diffusive sandpile, 2003

Hallatschek, K; Diamond, PH: Modulational instability of drift waves, 2003

Hill, Christopher T; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Strong dynamics and electroweak symmetry breaking, 2003

Hill, Christopher T; Simmons, Elizabeth H: Strong dynamics and electroweak symmetry breaking, 2003

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