Recent Work
The department was founded in 1964 and has 35 permanent members. We are a relatively young group, all committed to a rigorous analytical approach to both teaching and research. As a consequence, we have a congenial and cooperative atmosphere in which department members take an unusually active interest in their colleagues' research. There are no social or administrative distinctions between junior and senior faculty, except on promotion decisions. Eight faculty members are Fellows of the Econometric Society, three are on the Econometric Society Council, and three are Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Five are NBER Research Associates, and twelve have NSF grants.
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA
There are 427 publications in this collection, published between 1998 and 2024. Showing 251 - 300.
STARR, ROSS M: Commodity Money Equilibrium in a Walrasian Trading Post Model: An Elementary Example, 2005
STARR, ROSS M: Equilibrium and Media of Exchange in a Convex Trading Post Economy with transaction Costs, 2005
Sun, Yixiao X: Estimation and Inference in Panel Structure Models, 2005
Sun, Yixiao X; Phillips, Peter C. B.; Jin, Sainan: Optimal Bandwidth Selection in Heteroskedasticity-Autocorrelation Robust Testing∗, 2005
Becker, Sasha O; Ekholm, Karolina; Jackle, Robert; Muendler, Marc-Andreas: Location Choices and Employment Decisions: A Comparison of German and Swedish Multinationals, 2004
Bleakley, Hoyt C; Cowan, Kevin: Maturity Mismatch and Financial Crises: Evidence from Emerging Market Corporations, 2004
Bowdler, Christopher; Jansen, Eilev S.: Testing for a time-varying price-cost markup in the Euro area inflation process, 2004
Costa-Gomes, Miguel A.; Crawford, Vincent P.: Cognition and Behavior in Two-Person Guessing Games: An Experimental Study, 2004
Elliott, Graham; Muller, Ulrich K.: Confidence Sets for the Date of a Single Break in Linear Time Series Regressions, 2004
Elliott, Graham; Jansson, Michael; Pesavento, Elena: Optimal Power for Testing Potential Cointegrating Vectors with Known, 2004
Elliott, Graham; Mueller, Ulrich K.: Optimally Testing General Breaking Processes in Linear Time Series Models, 2004
Granger, Clive W.J.: Time Series Analysis, Cointegration, and Applications, 2004
Guggenberger, Patrik; Sun, Yixiao: Bias-Reduced Log-Periodogram and Whittle Estimation of the Long-Memory Parameter Without Variance Inflation, 2004
Muendler, Marc-Andreas: Estimating Production Functions When Productivity Change Is Endogenous, 2004
Muendler, Marc-Andreas: The Existence of Informationally Efficient Markets When Individuals Are Rational, 2004
Muendler, Marc-Andreas: Trade, Technology, and Productivity: A Study of Brazilian Manufacturers, 1986-1998, 2004
Noel, Michael D.: Edgeworth Cycles and Focal Prices: Computational Dynamic Markov Equilibria, 2004
Noel, Michael: Edgeworth Price Cycles, Cost-based Pricing and Sticky Pricing in Retail Gasoline Markets, 2004
Noel, Michael: Edgeworth Price Cycles: Evidence from the Toronto Retail Gasoline Market, 2004
Phillips, Peter C.B.; Sun, Yixiao; Jin, Sainan: Consistent HAC Estimation and Robust Regression Testing Using Sharp Origin Kernels with No Truncation, 2004
Phillips, Peter C.B.; Sun, Yixiao; Jin, Sainan: Spectral Density Estimation and Robust Hypothesis Testing Using Steep Origin Kernels Without Truncation, 2004
Politis, Dimitris N.: A heavy-tailed distribution for ARCH residuals with application to volatility prediction, 2004
Antonovics, Kate; Town, Robert: Are All The Good Men Married? Uncovering the Sources of the Marital Wage Premium, 2003
Antonovics, Kate; Arcidiacono, Peter; Walsh, Randall: Competing Against the Opposite Sex, 2003
Antonovics, Kate; Goldberger, Arthur S.: Do Educated Women Make Bad Mothers? Twin Studies of the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital, 2003
Antonovics, Kate; Arcidiacono, Peter; Walsh, Randall: Games and Discrimination: Lessons From the Weakest Link, 2003
Giacomini, Raffaella; White, Halbert: Tests of Conditional Predictive Ability, 2003
Kim, Tae-Hwan; White, Halbert: On More Robust Estimation of Skewness and Kurtosis: Simulation and Application to the S&P500 Index, 2003
Politis, Dimitris N.: Model-Free Volatility Prediction, 2003
Scroggin, Steven: Bounded Rationality in Randomization, 2003
Su, Liangjun; White, Halbert: A Consistent Characteristic-Function-Based Test for Conditional Independence, 2003
Su, Liangjun; White, Halbert: Testing Conditional Independence Via Empirical Likelihood, 2003
Sun, Yixiao: A Convergent t-statistic in Spurious Regressions, 2003
Sun, Yixiao: Estimation of the Long-run Average Relationship in Nonstationary Panel Time Series, 2003
Sun, Yixiao: Spurious Regressions with Stationary Gegenbauer Processes and Harmonic Processes, 2003
Yoon, Gawon: A simple model that generates stylized facts of returns, 2003
ANDREWS, DONALD W; Sun, Yixiao X: Adaptive Local Polynomial Whittle Estimation of Long-Range Dependence, 2002
Antonovics, Kate L: Persistent Racial Wage Inequality, 2002
Bull, Jesse; Watson, Joel: Evidence Disclosure and Verfiability, 2002
Bull, Jesse; Watson, Joel: Hard Evidence and Mechanism Design, 2002
Chen, Xiaohong; White, Halbert: Asymptotic Properties of Some Projection-based Robbins-Monro Procedures in a Hilbert Space, 2002
Elliott, Graham; Timmermann, Allan: Optimal Forecast Combination Under General Loss Functions and Forecast Error Distributions, 2002
Elliott, Graham; Jansson, Michael: Testing for Unit Roots with Stationary Covariates, 2002
Giacomini, Raffaella: Comparing Density Forecasts via Weighted Likelihood Ratio Tests: Asymptotic and Bootstrap Methods, 2002
Giacomini, Raffaella; Komunjer, Ivana: Evaluation and Combination of Conditional Quantile Forecasts, 2002
Giacomini, Raffaella; Haefke, Christian; White, Halbert; Gottschling, Andreas: Hypernormal Densities, 2002
Goncalves, Silvia; White, Halbert: Maximum Likelihood and the Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models, 2002
Granger, Clive W.J.; Teräsvirta, Timo; Patton, Andrew J: Common Factors in Conditional Distributions, 2002
Granger, Clive W.J.; YOON, GAWON: Hidden Cointegration, 2002
Machina, Mark J: Robustifying the Classical Model of Risk Preferences and Beliefs, 2002