Recent Work
The department was founded in 1964 and has 35 permanent members. We are a relatively young group, all committed to a rigorous analytical approach to both teaching and research. As a consequence, we have a congenial and cooperative atmosphere in which department members take an unusually active interest in their colleagues' research. There are no social or administrative distinctions between junior and senior faculty, except on promotion decisions. Eight faculty members are Fellows of the Econometric Society, three are on the Econometric Society Council, and three are Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Five are NBER Research Associates, and twelve have NSF grants.
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA
There are 427 publications in this collection, published between 1998 and 2024. Showing 351 - 400.
Elliott, Graham; STOCK, JAMES H: Confidence Intervals for Autoregressive Coefficients Near One, 2000
Elliott, Graham; Jansson, Michael: Testing for Unit Roots with Stationary Covariances, 2000
Engle, Robert F: Dynamic Conditional Correlation - A Simple Class of Multivariate GARCH Models, 2000
Engle, Robert F; Patton, Andrew J: Impacts of Trades in an Error-Correction Model of Quote Prices, 2000
Friedberg, Leora; webb, anthony: The Impact of 401(k) Plans on Retirement, 2000
Goncalves, Silvia; White, Halbert: Maximum Likelihood and the Bootstrap for Nonlinear Dynamic Models, 2000
Haldrup, Niels Prof.; Lildholdt, Peter: Local Power Functions of Tests for Double Unit Roots, 2000
Haldrup, Niels Prof.; Montanes, Antonio; Sansó, Andreu: Measurement Errors and Outliers in Seasonal Unit Root Testing, 2000
Haldrup, Niels Prof.; Lildholdt, Peter: On the Robustness of Unit Root Tests in the Presence of Double Unit Roots, 2000
Hamilton, James Douglas; Kim, Dong Heon: A Re-examination of the Predictability of Economic Activity Using the Yield Spread, 2000
Hansen, Peter Reinhard: The Johansen-Granger Representation Theorem: An Explicit Expression for I(1) Processes., 2000
Jansson, Michael; Haldrup, Niels Prof.: Spurious Regression, Cointegration, and Near Cointegration: A Unifying Approach, 2000
Kim, Tae-Hwan; White, Halbert; Stone, Douglas: Asymptotic and Bayesian Confidence Intervals for Sharpe Style Weights, 2000
Kim, Tae-Hwan; White, Halbert: James-Stein Type Estimator in Large Samples with Application to the Least Absolute Deviations Estimator, 2000
Kim, Tae-Hwan; White, Halbert: James-Stein Type Estimators in Large Samples with Application to the Least Absolute Deviations Estimator, 2000
Machina, Mark J: Payoff Kinks in Preferences Over Lotteries, 2000
PESAVENTO, ELENA: Analytical Evaluation of the Power of Tests for the Absence of Cointegration, 2000
Ramey, Garey; Watson, Joel: Conditioning Institutions and Renegotiation, 2000
Schwartz, Alan; Watson, Joel: Economic and Legal Aspects of Costly Recontracting, 2000
Segal, Uzi; Sobel, Joel: Min, Max, and Sum, 2000
Shen, Pu; Starr, Ross M.: Market Makers' Supply and Pricing of Financial Market Liquidity, 2000
Starr, Ross M.: Why is there Money? Endogenous Derivation of "Money" as the Most Liquid Asset: A Class of Examples, 2000
Stomberg, Christopher; White, Halbert: Bootstrapping the Information Matrix Test, 2000
Carson, Richard T: Contingent Valuation: A User's Guide, 1999
Dardanoni, Valentino: A Pedagogical Proof of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, 1999
den Haan, Wouter J.; Ramey, Garey; Watson, Joel: Contract-Theoretic Approaches to Wages and Displacement, 1999
den Haan, Wouter J.; Ramey, Garey; Watson, Joel: Job Destruction and the Experiences of Displaced Workers, 1999
Dufour, Alfonso; Engle, Robert F: Time and the Price Impact of a Trade, 1999
Elliott, Graham: Estimating Restricted Cointegrating Vectors, 1999
Engle, Robert F; Manganelli, Simone: CAViaR: Conditional Autoregressive Value at Risk by Regression Quantiles, 1999
Engle, Robert F: Modeling the Impacts of Market Activity on Bid-Ask Spreads in the Option Market, 1999
Friedberg, Leora: The Impact of Technological Change on Older Workers: Evidence from Data on Computers, 1999
Gallo, Giampiero M.; Granger, Clive W.J.; Jeon, Yongil: The Impact of the Use of Forecasts in Information Sets, 1999
Gallo, Giampiero M.: Interest Rate Volatility Regimes and Exchange Rate Behavior in a Target Zone, 1999
Gottschling, Andreas; Haefke, Christian; White, Halbert: Closed Form Integration of Artificial Neural Networks with Some Applications to Finance, 1999
Granger, Clive W.J.; Sin, Chor-yiu: Modelling the Absolute Returns of Different Stock Indices: Exploring the Forecastability of an Alternative Measure of Risk, 1999
Granger, Clive W.J.; Hyung, Namwon: Occasional Structural Breaks and Long Memory, 1999
Hamilton, James D.: A Parametric Approach to Flexible Nonlinear Inference, 1999
Kim, Tae-Hwan; White, Halbert: James-Stein Type Estimators in Large Samples with Application to the Least Absolute Deviations Estimator, 1999
Kirkley, James E; Squires, Dale: Capacity and Capacity Utilization in Fishing Industries, 1999
Pesaran, Hashem; Timmermann, Allan: Model Instability and Choice of Observation Window, 1999
Ramey, Garey; Watson, Joel: Contractual Intermediaries, 1999
Rauch, James E; Evans, Peter B.: Bureaucratic Structure and Bureaucratic Performance in Less Developed Countries, 1999
Rauch, J E; Watson, Joel: Starting Small in an Unfamiliar Environment, 1999
Riker, David: Educational Attainment as a Determinant of International Trade Flows, 1999
Segal, Uzi; Sobel, Joel: Tit for Tat: Foundations of Preferences for Reciprocity in Strategic Settings, 1999
Starr, Ross M.: Why is there Money? Convergence to a Monetary Equilibrium in a General Equilibrium Model with Transaction Costs, 1999
Watson, Joel: Starting Small and Commitment, 1999
White, Halbert; Hong, Yongmiao: M-Testing Using Finite and Infinite Dimensional Parameter Estimators, 1999
Yi, Kang-Oh: A Quantal Response Equilibrium Model of Order Statistic Games, 1999