Open Access Policy Deposits
There are 212 publications in this collection, published between 2006 and 2024. Showing 101 - 150.
Freitas, Daniel J; Kaplan, Lauren M; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Oral health and access to dental care among older homeless adults: results from the HOPE HOME study, 2019
Kaplan, Lauren M; Vella, Lea; Cabral, Elise; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Guzman, David et al.: Unmet mental health and substance use treatment needs among older homeless adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study, 2019
Nardone, Natalie; Helen, Gideon St; Addo, Newton; Meighan, Sandra; Benowitz, Neal L: JUUL electronic cigarettes: Nicotine exposure and the user experience, 2019
Nardone, Natalie; Helen, Gideon St; Addo, Newton; Meighan, Sandra; Benowitz, Neal L: JUUL electronic cigarettes: Nicotine exposure and the user experience., 2019
Nouri, Sarah S; Barnes, Deborah E; Volow, Aiesha M; McMahan, Ryan D; Kushel, Margot; Jin, Chengshi et al.: Health Literacy Matters More Than Experience for Advance Care Planning Knowledge Among Older Adults., 2019
Rodriguez, Robert M; Canseco, Karla; Baumann, Brigitte M; Mower, William R; Langdorf, Mark I; Medak, Anthony J et al.: Pneumothorax and Hemothorax in the Era of Frequent Chest Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Adult Patients With Blunt Trauma., 2019
Rose, Christian; Chang, Brian; Brown, John: Spokes for Our Folks: Public Health Bike Tour, 2019
Rosenwohl-Mack, Sarah; Kushel, Margot; Ramsey, Claire; Handley, Margaret; Knight, Kelly R: “We Really Help, Taking Care of Each Other”: Older Homeless Adults as Caregivers, 2019
Roumeliotis, Nadia; Sniderman, Jonathan; Adams-Webber, Thomasin; Addo, Newton; Anand, Vijay; Rochon, Paula et al.: Effect of Electronic Prescribing Strategies on Medication Error and Harm in Hospital: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, 2019
St Helen, Gideon; Benowitz, Neal L; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S; Tyndale, Rachel F; Addo, Newton; Gregorich, Steven E et al.: Black Light Smokers: How Nicotine Intake and Carcinogen Exposure Differ Across Various Biobehavioral Factors., 2019
St Helen, Gideon; Benowitz, Neal L; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S; Tyndale, Rachel F; Addo, Newton; Gregorich, Steven E et al.: Black Light Smokers: How Nicotine Intake and Carcinogen Exposure Differ Across Various Biobehavioral Factors, 2019
Staats, Katherine; Mercer, Mary P; Bosson, Nichole; Joelle Donofrio, J; Schlesinger, Shira; Sanko, Stephen et al.: The Digital EMS California Academy of Learning: One State's Innovative Approach to EMS Fellow Education., 2019
Stauffer, Christopher S; Moschetto, Jenna M; McKernan, Scott M; Hsiang, Elaine; Borsari, Brian; Woolley, Joshua D: Oxytocin-enhanced motivational interviewing group therapy for methamphetamine use disorder in men who have sex with men: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial., 2019
Tong, M; Tieu, L; Lee, CT; Ponath, C; Guzman, D; Kushel, M: Factors associated with food insecurity among older homeless adults: results from the HOPE HOME study., 2019
Tuthill, Emily L; Sheira, Lila A; Palar, Kartika; Frongillo, Edward A; Wilson, Tracey E; Adedimeji, Adebola et al.: Persistent Food Insecurity Is Associated with Adverse Mental Health among Women Living with or at Risk of HIV in the United States, 2019
Bazari, Adam; Patanwala, Maria; Kaplan, Lauren M; Auerswald, Colette L; Kushel, Margot B: ‘The Thing that Really Gets Me Is the Future’: Symptomatology in Older Homeless Adults in the HOPE HOME Study, 2018
Benowitz, Neal L; Nardone, Natalie; Jain, Shonul; Dempsey, Delia A; Addo, Newton; St Helen, Gideon et al.: Comparison of Urine 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3)Pyridyl-1-Butanol and Cotinine for Assessment of Active and Passive Smoke Exposure in Urban Adolescents, 2018
Patanwala, M; Tieu, L; Ponath, C; Guzman, D; Ritchie, CS; Kushel, Margot: Physical, Psychological, Social, and Existential Symptoms in Older Homeless-Experienced Adults: An Observational Study of the Hope Home Cohort, 2018
Raven, Maria C; Kaplan, Lauren M; Rosenberg, Marina; Tieu, Lina; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Mobile Phone, Computer, and Internet Use Among Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Cohort Study, 2018
Sudore, Rebecca L; Cuervo, Isabel Arellano; Tieu, Lina; Guzman, David; Kaplan, Lauren M; Kushel, Margot: Advance Care Planning for Older Homeless‐Experienced Adults: Results from the Health Outcomes of People Experiencing Homelessness in Older Middle Age Study, 2018
Vijayaraghavan, Maya; Olsen, Pamela; Weeks, John; McKelvey, Karma; Ponath, Claudia; Kushel, Margot: Older African American Homeless-Experienced Smokers’ Attitudes Toward Tobacco Control Policies—Results from the HOPE HOME Study, 2018
Brown, Rebecca T; Hemati, Kaveh; Riley, Elise D; Lee, Christopher T; Ponath, Claudia; Tieu, Lina et al.: Geriatric Conditions in a Population-Based Sample of Older Homeless Adults, 2017
Hurstak, Emily; Johnson, Julene K; Tieu, Lina; Guzman, David; Ponath, Claudia; Lee, Christopher T et al.: Factors associated with cognitive impairment in a cohort of older homeless adults: Results from the HOPE HOME study, 2017
Landefeld, John C; Miaskowski, Christine; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Lee, Christopher T; Guzman, David et al.: Characteristics and Factors Associated With Pain in Older Homeless Individuals: Results From the Health Outcomes in People Experiencing Homelessness in Older Middle Age (HOPE HOME) Study, 2017
Lee, Chuan Mei; Mangurian, Christina; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Childhood Adversities Associated with Poor Adult Mental Health Outcomes in Older Homeless Adults: Results From the HOPE HOME Study, 2017
Metzger, Lia; Ahalt, Cyrus; Kushel, Margot; Riker, Alissa; Williams, Brie: Mobilizing cross-sector community partnerships to address the needs of criminal justice-involved older adults: a framework for action., 2017
Raven, Maria C; Tieu, Lina; Lee, Christopher T; Ponath, Claudia; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Emergency Department Use in a Cohort of Older Homeless Adults: Results From the HOPE HOME Study, 2017
Raven, Maria C; Guzman, David; Chen, Alice H; Kornak, John; Kushel, Margot: Out‐of‐Network Emergency Department Use among Managed Medicaid Beneficiaries, 2017
Savino, P Brian; Reichelderfer, Scott; Mercer, Mary P; Wang, Ralph C; Sporer, Karl A: Direct Versus Video Laryngoscopy for Prehospital Intubation: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis, 2017
Savino, P Brian; Reichelderfer, Scott; Mercer, Mary P; Sporer, Karl A; Wang, Ralph C: In Reply: Comparing Direct and Video Laryngoscopy for Prehospital Intubation: Can Meta‐analysis Provide an Exact Solution?, 2017
Spinelli, Matthew A; Ponath, Claudia; Tieu, Lina; Hurstak, Emily E; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Factors Associated with Substance use in Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study, 2017
Spinelli, Matthew A; Frongillo, Edward A; Sheira, Lila A; Palar, Kartika; Tien, Phyllis C; Wilson, Tracey et al.: Food Insecurity is Associated with Poor HIV Outcomes Among Women in the United States, 2017
Wang, Ralph C; Addo, Newton; Chi, Thomas; Moore, Christopher; Mallin, Michael; Shiboski, Stephen et al.: Medical expulsive therapy use in emergency department patients diagnosed with ureteral stones, 2017
Whittle, Henry J; Palar, Kartika; Ranadive, Nikhil A; Turan, Janet M; Kushel, Margot; Weiser, Sheri D: “The land of the sick and the land of the healthy”: Disability, bureaucracy, and stigma among people living with poverty and chronic illness in the United States, 2017
Brown, Rebecca T; Goodman, Leah; Guzman, David; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Kushel, Margot B: Pathways to Homelessness among Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study, 2016
Kertesz, Stefan G; Baggett, Travis P; O'Connell, James J; Buck, David S; Kushel, Margot B: Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless People — Reframing the Debate, 2016
Kinloch, Natalie N; MacMillan, Daniel R; Le, Anh Q; Cotton, Laura A; Bangsberg, David R; Buchbinder, Susan et al.: Population-Level Immune-Mediated Adaptation in HIV-1 Polymerase during the North American Epidemic, 2016
Lee, Christopher Thomas; Guzman, David; Ponath, Claudia; Tieu, Lina; Riley, Elise; Kushel, Margot: Residential patterns in older homeless adults: Results of a cluster analysis, 2016
Raja, Ali S; Lanning, Jennifer; Gower, Arian; Langdorf, Mark I; Nishijima, Daniel K; Baumann, Brigitte M et al.: Prevalence of Chest Injury With the Presence of NEXUS Chest Criteria: Data to Inform Shared Decisionmaking About Imaging Use., 2016
Raven, Maria C; Kushel, Margot; Ko, Michelle J; Penko, Joanne; Bindman, Andrew B: The Effectiveness of Emergency Department Visit Reduction Programs: A Systematic Review., 2016
Rodriguez, Robert M; Friedman, Benjamin; Langdorf, Mark I; Baumann, Brigitte M; Nishijima, Daniel K; Hendey, Gregory W et al.: Pulmonary contusion in the pan-scan era., 2016
Sangari, Santosh; Heinneman, Thomas; Conti, Mathew; Dossous, Paul-Michel; Dillon, David; Tsiouris, Apostolos et al.: Quantitative Gross and CT measurements of Cadaveric Cervical Vertebrae (C3 - C6) as Guidelines for the Lateral mass screw fixation., 2016
Vijayaraghavan, Maya; Schroeder, Steven A; Kushel, Margot: The effectiveness of tobacco control policies on vulnerable populations in the USA: a review., 2016
Vijayaraghavan, Maya; Tieu, Lina; Ponath, Claudia; Guzman, David; Kushel, Margot: Tobacco Cessation Behaviors Among Older Homeless Adults: Results From the HOPE HOME Study., 2016
Chan, Brian; Goldman, L Elizabeth; Sarkar, Urmimala; Schneidermann, Michelle; Kessell, Eric; Guzman, David et al.: The Effect of a Care Transition Intervention on the Patient Experience of Older Multi-Lingual Adults in the Safety Net: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial., 2015
Chan, B; Goldman, LE; Sarkar, U; Schneidermann, M; Kessell, E; Guzman, D et al.: The Effect of a Care Transition Intervention on the Patient Experience of Older Multi-Lingual Adults in the Safety Net: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial, 2015
Chodos, Anna H; Kushel, Margot B; Greysen, S Ryan; Guzman, David; Kessell, Eric R; Sarkar, Urmimala et al.: Hospitalization-Associated Disability in Adults Admitted to a Safety-Net Hospital., 2015
Govindarajan, Prasanthi; Friedman, Benjamin T; Delgadillo, James Q; Ghilarducci, David; Cook, Lawrence J; Grimes, Barbara et al.: Race and Sex Disparities in Prehospital Recognition of Acute Stroke, 2015
Hall, M Kennedy; Raven, Maria C; Hall, Jane; Yeh, Clement; Allen, Elaine; Rodriguez, Robert M et al.: EMS-STARS: Emergency Medical Services "Superuser" Transport Associations: An Adult Retrospective Study., 2015
Hayes, BD; Kobner, S; Trueger, NS; Yiu, S; Lin, M: Social Media in the Emergency Medicine Residency Curriculum: Social Media Responses to the Residents' Perspective Article, 2015