ACCESS Magazine
The University of California Transportation Center recognizes that transportation is one component of a societal system that is affected by and has effects on the movement of goods, people, and information. The Center draws on the knowledge of many disciplines, including but not limited to engineering, economics, urban planning, and management in its efforts to support studies that analyze transportation systems and the public policies that are integral to them.
The Center is sponsored by both the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). All transportation-related programs within the University of California campuses are eligible for research and educational funding from the Center. The primary campuses involved in UCTC activities are those at Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, and Berkeley.
UCTC maintains an active program of basic and applied research conducted by University of California faculty and graduate student assistants. The Center supports the University's educational programs in transportation with awards of scholarships and fellowships to students planning careers in transportation. As part of its technology-transfer activities, UCTC sponsors seminars and conferences where scholars and public officials meet to exchange information and research findings. The Center also publishes the results of research it has funded in the form of working papers, reprints of journal articles, and in its official magazine, ACCESS. These publications are distributed widely within the academic, professional, and governmental communities.
There are 334 publications in this collection, published between 1992 and 2017. Showing 201 - 250.
Regan, Amelia: Transforming the Freight Industry, 2002
Ross, Marc; Wenzel, Tom: Are SUVs Really Safer Than Cars?, 2002
Shoup, Donald: Roughly Right or Precisely Wrong, 2002
Taylor, Brian D.: Rethinking Traffic Congestion, 2002
Brodrick, Christie-Joy; Sperling, Daniel; Dwyer, Harry A.: Clean Diesel: Overcoming Noxious Fumes, 2001
Brown, Jeffrey; Baldwin, Daniel; Shoup, Donald: The Access Almanac: Unlimited Access Prepaid Transit at Universities, 2001
Brown, Jeffrey: Reconsider the Gas Tax: Paying for What You Get, 2001
Cervero, Robert; Curry, Melanie; Fajans, Joel; Li, Jianling; Ong, Paul; Sperling, Daniel et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2001, 2001
Cervero, Robert: Informal Transit: Learning from the Developing World, 2001
Fajans, Joel; Curry, Melanie: Why Bicyclists Hate Stop Signs, 2001
Hall, Sir Peter: High-Speed Rail Comes to London, 2001
Lave, Charles; Brown, Jeffrey; Brodrick, Christie-Joy; Sperling, Daniel; Dwyer, Harry A.; Hall, Sir Peter et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2001, 2001
Lave, Charles: A New Cafe, 2001
Li, Jianling; Wachs, Martin: How Federal SubsidiesShape Local Transit Choices, 2001
Ong, Paul: The Access Almanac: Census Undercont, 2001
Small, Kenneth A.: The Value of Pricing, 2001
Sperling, Daniel: R&D Partnership for the Next Cars, 2001
Daganzo, Carlos; Macdonald, Elizabeth; Madanat, Samer; Picado, Rosella; Regan, Amelia; Shoup, Donald et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2000, 2000
Daganzo, Carlos: Taking Turns: Rx for Congestion, 2000
Delucchi, Mark; Lipman, Timothy E.; Liggett, Robin; Shladova, Steven E.; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Varaiya, Pravin: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2000, 2000
Delucchi, Mark: Should We Try To Get The Prices Right?, 2000
Lipman, Timothy E.: Power from the Fuel Cell, 2000
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Liggett, Robin: On Bus-Stop Crime, 2000
MacDonald, Elizabeth: Brooklyn's Boulevards, 2000
Madanat, Samer: The Road Ahead: Managing Pavements, 2000
Picado, Rosella: A Question of Timing, 2000
Regan, Amelia: What Can a Trucker Do?, 2000
Shladover, Steven E.: What If Cars Could Drive Themselves?, 2000
Shoup, Donald; Stark, Seth: The Access Almanac: The Parking of Nations, 2000
Varaiya, Pravin: Making Freeways Work, 2000
Bardach, Eugene; Curry, Melanie; Deal, Timothy; Monismith, Carl; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.; Salomon, Ilan et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 1999, 1999
Bardach, Eugene; Deal, Timothy; Walther, Mary: Partners in Transit, 1999
Cervero, Robert; Cohn, Theodore E.; Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A.; Hill, Mary; Landis, John; Levine, Jonathan et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 1999, 1999
Cohn, Theodore E.: Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, 1999
Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A.: Splitting the Ties: The Privatization of British Rail, 1999
Hill, Mary; Taylor, Brian; Wachs, Martin: The Access Almanac: Gas Tax Dilemma, 1999
Landis, John; Cervero, Robert: Middle Age Sprawl: Bart and Urban Development, 1999
Levine, Jonathan: Access to Choice, 1999
Mokhtarian, Patricia L.; Salomon, Ilan: Travel for the Fun of It, 1999
Monismith, Carl; Curry, Melanie: Requiem for Potholes, 1999
Shaheen, Susan: Pooled Cars, 1999
Shoup, Donald: Instead of Free Parking, 1999
Crane, Randall; Golob, Thomas F.; Gould, Jane; Landis, John D.; O'Regan, Katherine M.; Quigley, John M. et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 1998, 1998
Crane, Randall: Travel By Design?, 1998
Gould, Jane; Golob, Thomas F.: Will Electronic Home Shopping Reduce Travel?, 1998
Jia, Wenyu; Levinson, David; McCullough, William S.; Owen, Wilfred; Shoup, Donald C.; Taylor, Brian D. et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 1998, 1998
Jia, Wenyu; Wachs, Martin: Parking and Affordable Housing, 1998
Landis, John D.: Simulating Highway and Transit Effects, 1998
Levinson, David: Taxing Foreigners Living Abroad, 1998
O'Regan, Katherine M.; Quigley, John M.: Cars for the Poor, 1998