ACCESS Magazine
The University of California Transportation Center recognizes that transportation is one component of a societal system that is affected by and has effects on the movement of goods, people, and information. The Center draws on the knowledge of many disciplines, including but not limited to engineering, economics, urban planning, and management in its efforts to support studies that analyze transportation systems and the public policies that are integral to them.
The Center is sponsored by both the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). All transportation-related programs within the University of California campuses are eligible for research and educational funding from the Center. The primary campuses involved in UCTC activities are those at Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, and Berkeley.
UCTC maintains an active program of basic and applied research conducted by University of California faculty and graduate student assistants. The Center supports the University's educational programs in transportation with awards of scholarships and fellowships to students planning careers in transportation. As part of its technology-transfer activities, UCTC sponsors seminars and conferences where scholars and public officials meet to exchange information and research findings. The Center also publishes the results of research it has funded in the form of working papers, reprints of journal articles, and in its official magazine, ACCESS. These publications are distributed widely within the academic, professional, and governmental communities.
There are 334 publications in this collection, published between 1992 and 2017. Showing 51 - 100.
Matute, Juan: Greenhouse Gas Management: Local Efforts to Curb a Global Phenomenon, 2013
Mondschein, Andrew; Blumenberg, Evelyn; Taylor, Brian D.; Harley, Robert; Sorensen, Paul; Pierce, Gregory et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2013, 2013
Mondschein, Andrew; Blumenberg, Evelyn; Taylor, Brian D.: Going Mental: Everyday Travel and the Cognitive Map, 2013
Pierce, Gregory; Shoup, Donald: SFpark: Pricing Parking by Demand, 2013
Regan, Amelia: The ACCESS Almanac: Vehicular ad hoc Networks: Storms on the Horizon, 2013
Shoup, Donald: THE ACCESS ALMANAC: On-Street Parking Management v. Off-Street Parking Requirements, 2013
Sorensen, Paul: From Fuel Taxes to Mileage Fees, 2013
Willson, Richard: Parking Reform Made Easy, 2013
Brecher, Charles; Cervero, Robert; Deakin, Elizabeth; Drennan, Matthew; Dyble, Louise Nelson; Frick, Karen Trapenberg et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2012, 2012
Cervero, Robert: Introduction: Twenty Years of ACCESS, 2012
Deakin, Elizabeth; Frick, Karen Trapenberg; Shively, Kevin: Dynamic Ridesharing, 2012
Drennan, Matthew; Brecher, Charles: Can Public Transportation Increase Economic Efficiency?, 2012
Dyble, Louise Nelson: The Defeat of the Golden Gate Authority: Regional Planning and Local Power, 2012
Gayah, Vikash V.; Lutsey, Nic; Ng, Chen Feng; Sciara, Gian-Claudia; Small, Kenneth A.; Sperling, Daniel et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2012, 2012
Gayah, Vikash V.: Two-Way Street Networks: More Efficient than Previously Thought?, 2012
Guerra, Erick; Cervero, Robert: Transit and the "D" Word, 2012
Iseki, Hiroyuki; Smart, Michael; Taylor, Brian D.; Yoh, Allison: Thinking Outside the Bus, 2012
Lutsey, Nic: New Automobile Regulations: Double the Fuel Economy, Half the CO2 Emissions, and Even Automakers Like It, 2012
Sciara, Gian-Glaudia: Peering Inside the Pork Barrel, 2012
Shoup, Donald: The Access Almanac: Solar Parking Requirements, 2012
Small, Kenneth A.; Ng, Chen Feng: When Do Slower Roads Provide Faster Travel?, 2012
Wachs, Martin: The Access Almanac: Planning for High Speed Rail, 2012
Wang, Yunshi; Teter, Jacob; Sperling, Daniel: Will China's Vehicle Population Grow Even Faster than Forecasted?, 2012
Boarnet, Marlon G.; Chester, Mikhail; Joh, Kenneth; Fulton, William; Guzman, Stacey; Handy, Susan L. et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2011, 2011
Boarnet, Marlon G.; Joh, Kenneth; Siembab, Walter; Fulton, William; Nguyen, Mai Thi: Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking, 2011
Chester, Mikhail; Horvath, Aprad; Madanat, Samer: Parking Infrastructure and the Environment, 2011
Davis, Lucas W.; Kahn, Matthew E.: Cash for Clunkers? The Environmental Impact of Mexico's Demands for Used Vehicles, 2011
Handy, Susan L.: The Davis Bicycle Studies: Why Do I Bicycle But My Neighbor Doesn't?, 2011
Harsman, Bjorn; Quigley, John M.; Wachs, Martin; Davis, Lucas W.; Kahn, Matthew E.; Martin, Elliot et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2011, 2011
Harsman, Bjorn; Quigley, John M.: Political and Public Acceptability of Congestion Pricing: Ideology and Self-Interest in Sweden, 2011
Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan: The Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Ownership, 2011
Morris, Eric A.: The Access Almanac: Life the the Fast Line, 2011
Shaheen, Susan; Guzman, Stacey: Worldwide Bikesharing, 2011
Shoup, Donald: The Access Almanac: Ending the Abuse of Disabled Parking Placards, 2011
Shoup, Donald: Free Parking or Free Markets, 2011
Walker, Joan L.: Beyond Rationality in Travel Demand Models, 2011
Blumenberg, Evelyn; Chester, Mikhail; Cherry, Christopher; Eidlin, Eric; Horvath, Aprad; Kutzbach, Mark et al.: ACCESS Magazine Fall 2010, 2010
Blumenberg, Evelyn; Norton, Alexandra: Falling Immigration Rates Mean Falling Transit Ridership, 2010
Chapple, Karen; Makarewicz, Carrie: Restricting New Infrastructure: Bad for Business in California?, 2010
Cherry, Christopher: Electric Two-Wheelers in China: Promise Progress and Potential, 2010
Chester, Mikhail; Horvath, Arpad: Life-Cycle Environmental Assessment of California High Speed Rail, 2010
Ehrenfeucht, Renia; Chapple, Karen; Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Makarewicz, Carrie; Osgood, Andrea; Schweitzer, Lisa et al.: ACCESS Magazine Spring 2010, 2010
Eidlin, Eric: What Density Doesn't Tell Us About Sprawl, 2010
Frick, Karen Trapenberg; Cervero, Robert: Introduction: What Are the Key Policy Issues? What Are the Take-Aways from this Research? What Can We Do and What More Do We Need To Know?, 2010
Kutzbach, Mark: Megacities and Megatraffic, 2010
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia; Ehrenfeucht, Renia: Vibrant Sidewalks in the United States: Re-Integrating Walking and a Quintessential Social Realm, 2010
Osgood, Andrea: On-Street Parking Spaces for Shared Cars, 2010
Schweitzer, Lisa; Taylor, Brian D.: Just Road Pricing, 2010
Shoup, Donald: The Access Almanac: Graduated Parking Fines, 2010
Shoup, Donald: Fixing Broken Sidewalks, 2010