Earlier Faculty Research
The University of California Transportation Center recognizes that transportation is one component of a societal system that is affected by and has effects on the movement of goods, people, and information. The Center draws on the knowledge of many disciplines, including but not limited to engineering, economics, urban planning, and management in its efforts to support studies that analyze transportation systems and the public policies that are integral to them.
The Center is sponsored by both the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). All transportation-related programs within the University of California campuses are eligible for research and educational funding from the Center. The primary campuses involved in UCTC activities are those at Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, and Berkeley.
UCTC maintains an active program of basic and applied research conducted by University of California faculty and graduate student assistants. The Center supports the University's educational programs in transportation with awards of scholarships and fellowships to students planning careers in transportation. As part of its technology-transfer activities, UCTC sponsors seminars and conferences where scholars and public officials meet to exchange information and research findings. The Center also publishes the results of research it has funded in the form of working papers, reprints of journal articles, and in its official magazine, ACCESS. These publications are distributed widely within the academic, professional, and governmental communities.
There are 1090 publications in this collection, published between 1984 and 2012. Showing 901 - 950.
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia: Retrofit of Urban Corridors: Land Use Policies and Design Guidelines for Transit-Friendly Environments, 1993
Maillebiau, Eric; Hansen, Mark: Demand and Consumer Welfare Impacts of International Airline Liberalization: The Case of the North Atlantic, 1993
Majewski, John; Baer, Christopher; Klein, Daniel B.: Responding to Relative Decline: The Plank Road Boom of Antebellum New York, 1993
McNally, Michael G.: Regional Impacts of Neotraditional Neighborhood Development, 1993
Mokhtarian, Patricia L.; Salomon, Ilan: Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting: Setting the Context, 1993
Rosenbloom, Sandra; Burns, Elizabeth: Gender Differences in Commuter Travel in Tucson: Implications for Travel Demand management Programs, 1993
Rubin, Jonathan D.; Kling, Catherine: An Emission Saved is an Emission Earned: An Empirical Study of Emission Banking for Light-Duty Vehicle Manufacturers, 1993
Sands, Brian D.: The Development Effects of High-Speed Rail Stations and Implications for California, 1993
Schipper, Lee; Figueroa, Maria J.; Price, Lynn; Espey, Molly: Mind the Gap: The Vicious Circle of Measuring Automobile Fuel Use, 1993
Scott, Allen J.: Electric Vehicle Manufacturing in Southern California: Current Developments, Future Prospects, 1993
Setiawan, Winardi; Sperling, Daniel: Premium Gasoline Overbuying in the U.S.: Consumer-Based Choice Analysis, 1993
Shaw, Peter L.: Seaport-Surface Transportation Access abd Urban Transportation Congestion, 1993
Shaw, Peter L.: Seaport-Surface Transportation Access and Air Quality, 1993
Shoup, Donald C.: Cashing Out Employer-Paid Parking: A Precedent for Congestion Pricing?, 1993
Small, Kenneth A.: Real Costs of Transportation and Influence of Pricing Policies, 1993
Song, Shunfeng: Modelling Worker Residence Distribution in the Los Angeles Region, 1993
Sperling, Daniel; DeLuchi, Mark A.: Alternative Transportation Energy, 1993
Taylor, Brian D.; Ong, Paul M.: Racial and Ethnic Variations in Employment Access: An Examination of Residential Location and Commuting in Metropolitan Areas, 1993
Uhlaner, Carole J.; Kim, Seyoung: Designing and Implementing a Panel Study of Commuter Behavior: Lessons for Future Research, 1993
Vaca, Erin: Intercity Rail Ridership Forecasting and the Implementation of High-Speed Rail in California, 1993
Wachs, Martin; Taylor, Brian D.; Levine, Ned; Ong, Paul: The Changing Commute: A Case Study of the Jobs/Housing Relationship over Time, 1993
Wachs, Martin: Learning from Los Angeles: Transport, Urban Form, and Air Quality, 1993
Walls, W. David: A Cointegration Rank Test of Market Linkages with an Application to the U.S. Natural Gas Industry, 1993
Walls, W. David: Competition and Prices in the Deregulated Gas Pipeline Network: A Multivariate Cointegration Analysis, 1993
Wang, Quanlu; Sperling, Daniel; Olmstead, Janis: Emission Control Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative-Fuel Vehicles, 1993
Wang, Quanlu; Kling, Catherine; Sperling, Daniel: Light-Duty Vehicle Exhaust Emission Control Cost Estimates Using a Part-Pricing Approach, 1993
Washington, Simon P.; Guensler, Randall; Sperling, Daniel: Assessing the Emission Impacts of IVHS in an Uncertain Future, 1993
Yim, Youngbin: Shopping Trips and Spatial Distribution of Food Stores, 1993
Youssef, Waleed; Hansen, Mark: The Consequences of Strategic Alliances Between International Airlines: The Case of Swissair and SAS, 1993
Adler, Jeffrey L.; Recker, Wilfred W.; McNally, Michael G.: A Conflict Model and Interactive Simulator (FASTCARS) for Predicting Enroute Driver Behavior in Response to Real-Time Traffic Condition Information, 1992
Adler, Jeffery L.; Recker, Wilfred W.; McNally, Michael G.: Using Interactive Simulation to Model Driver Behavior Under ATIS, 1992
Baer, Christopher T.; Klein, Daniel B.; Majewski, John: From Trunk to Branch: Toll Roads in New York, 1800-1860, 1992
Barnett, Roger: British Rail's InterCity 125 and 225, 1992
Barnett, Roger: Tilting Trains: The Italian ETR and the Swedish X-2000, 1992
Brownstone, David; Golob, Thomas F.: The Effectiveness of Ridesharing Incentives: Discrete-choice Models of Commuting in Southern California, 1992
Burns, Elizabeth K.: Arizona's Metropolitan Travel Reduction Programs, 1992
Burns, Elizabeth K.: Vance's Commuting Analysis Extended to the Suburban Southwest: Tempe, Arizona, 1992
Cervero, Robert: Accessibility and Third World Rural Development: A Case Study of Sumatra, 1992
Cervero, Robert: Land Market Impacts of Urban Rail Transit and Joint Development: An Empirical Study of Rail Transit in Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, 1992
Cervero, Robert: Paratransit in Southeast Asia: A Market Response to Poor Roads?, 1992
Cervero, Robert: Profiling Profitable Bus Routes, 1992
De Castilho, Bernardo J.: High-Throughput Intermodal Container Terminals: Technical and Economic Analysis of a New Direct-Transfer System, 1992
De Vany, Arthur; Walls, W. David: When Barriers to Markets Fail: Pipeline Deregulation, Spot Markets, and the Topology of the Natural Gas Market, 1992
Giuliano, Genevieve; Wachs, Martin: Responding to Congestion and Traffic Growth: Transportatoin Demand Management, 1992
Glazer, Amihai; Niskanen, Esko: When Do Consumers Favor Price Increases: With Applications to Congestion and to Regulation, 1992
Glazer, Amihai; Niskanen, Esko: Why voters may prefer congested public clubs, 1992
Glazer, Amihai; Niskanen, Esko: Why Voters May Prefer Congested Public Clubs, 1992
Golledge, Reginald G.: Do People Understand Spatial Concepts: The Case of First-Order Primitives, 1992
Golledge, Reginald G.: Place Recognition and Wayfinding: Making Sense of Space, 1992
Goulias, Konstadinos G.; Kitamura, Ryuichi: Analysis of Binary Choice Frequencies With Limit Cases, 1992