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The Water Resources Collections and Archives (WRCA) was founded in 1957 when a special act of the California Legislature established the California Water Resources Center to function as a University-wide organized research unit dealing with the state's water resources problems. UC Berkeley coastal engineers and professors Morrough P. O'Brien and Joe W. Johnson are primarily responsible for establishing the Archives on the Berkeley campus. The Archives focuses on collecting material pertinent to California and the West. The collection consists of over 135,000 technical reports, 1,500 specialized newsletters, 5,000 maps and videos. Many of these materials are unique and cannot be found elsewhere. WRCA's holdings are represented in the Melvyl Catalog and the Online Archive of California.

There are 79 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2013. Showing 1 - 50.

Lawrence, Justin E: Short-term geomorphic impacts of culvert removal following Best Management Practices in streams of northern California, 2013

Balakrishnan, Krishnachandran: Dependence of groundwater recharge in the Niles Cone Groundwater Basin on climate variability and inter-basin water transfers, 2012

Church, Tami C.: Initial Hydrologic Feasibility Analysis of the Proposed Ship Channel Bypass (lower Sacramento River, California, 2012

Cundy, Fiona: Hydrologic and Aquatic Species Implications of the Proposed Pebble Mine, Bristol Bay, Alaska, 2012

Delorenzo, Angela; Colibri, Mariana: Preservation of a Pristine Lake for Future Generations: Llanquihue Lake, X Region, Chile, 2012

Docto, Mia; Corvillon, Daniela Pena: Post Project Analysis of a Restored Reach of Redwood Creek, 2012

Doehring, Carolyn: Hydrologic Analysis and Restoration considerations for the Upper Klamath Lake Sub-Basin, Klamath County, Oregon, 2012

Hannah, Whitney; Kuhn, Marlene: China Camp's race against the tides: Predicting tidal marsh survival through comparison of project sea level rise elevations and sediment accretion rates, 2012

Hines, David; Kohlsmith, Emma: Evidence of Ecologically Relevant Degradation of Summer Base-flows in the Navarro River, California, 2012

Janes, Kelly; Carrasco, Jose: Quantifying stream flow loss to groundwater on alluvial valley streams in Sonoma County, 2012

Javier, Alexander: Soil Characteristics and their Hydrologic Implications; A study on the Memorial Glade microwatershed, University of California, Berkeley campus, 2012

Lithander, Becky: Urban Retrofit: A Whole-Watershed Approach to Urban Stormwater Management, 2012

Peterson, Michael: Hydrologic diversity in Santa Cruz mountain creeks and implications for steelhead population survival, 2012

Suksawang, Wilasinee: Holistic Approach for Water Management Planning of Nong Chok District in Bangkok, Thailand, 2012

Urrechaga, Jose; Wei, Xinghan: Biodiversity Corridors in Alamo Creek, Vacaville, California, 2012

Bintliff, Jacob M.: Rainwater Harvesting in San Francisco Schools, 2011

Conrad, Esther: Planning for Climate Change in Low-Impact Development Projects: A Case Study of the Sunset Swales Parking Lot Retrofit in San Francisco, 2011

Doyle, John: A Sustainable Stormwater Management Proposal for a Bayfront Military Brownfield, 2011

Fedman, Anna: Protecting Solar Rights in California Through an Exploration of the California Water Doctrine, 2011

Huber, Eric; Kayed, Sammy; Post, Charles: Relationship between juvenile steelhead survival and winter habitat availability, 2011

Hunt, Lisa: Development of a Discharge-Stage Rating Curve for Strawberry Creek, 2011

Lather, Alaska; Wozniak, Monika: The Pipe vs. The Shed: Waste Water compared with Natural Hydrology in an Urban Setting, 2011

Olson, Jessica J.: Ecological Implications of Impounding Fluvial Systems in Suisun Marsh, 2011

Richardson, Christina: A short-term assessment of spatial and temporal variations in water quality of the San Lorenzo River, 2011

Sousa, Ricardo C.; Cook, Michael: Best Management Practices for the Los Angeles River: Taylor Yard Case Study, 2011

Tannenbaum, Sara Rose: C(re)ek-storation Community Collaboration Site: North Fork of Strawberry Creek by La Loma and Le Conte Avenues, 2011

Thong, Michelle: Taking LID to the Streets: A Case Study of Stormwater Management on Leland Avenue in San Francisco, California, 2011

Alford, Chris: Water Rights Challenges to Coho Recovery in Coastal California Watersheds, 2009

Anglin, Bojana: Soil for Rain Gardens in Mediteranean-climate Regions, 2009

Ball, Joanie; Diver, Sibyl; Hwan, Jason: Evidence of Streamflow and Sediment Effects on Juvenile Coho and Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lagunitas Creek and San Geronimo Creek, Marin County, California, 2009

Beagle, Julie: Remote Sensing and Field Mapping: Requisite Bed Fellows for Assessing River Systems, 2009

Cervantes-Yoshida, Kristina: Barriers for steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smolt migration through the lower flood channel of Alameda Creek, 2009

Diamond, Hayley; Gaffney, Andrea: Term project for Landscape Architecture 222, Prof. G. Mathias Kondolf, University of California, Berkeley, Spring 2009. Hard copy available at the Water Resources Center Archives, UC Berkeley., 2009

Jagger, Stacie: Changes in Flood Management along the Pajaro River: A Transition to Watershed Management Approaches and Lessons from the Water Framework Directive and Flood Directive, 2009

Jones, Jesse; Kraai, Rachel: Multiple Objective Stormwater Management For the Coliseum Complex, 2009

Mourad, Bessma: Climate Change and Water Resources in California: The Cost of Conservation versus Supply Augmentation for the East Bay Municipal Utility District, 2009

O'Reilly, Clare; Silberblatt, Rafael: Reservoir Management in Mediterranean Climates through the European Water Framework Directive, 2009

Sarna-Wojcicki, Daniel: Indefinite Deferral: Imagining Salinas Valley’s Subterranean Stream, 2009

Smith, Adrienne; Esterer-Vogel, Elisabeth: The Water-Wise Vegetable Garden: An Analysis of the Potential for Irrigation through Rainwater Harvesting in Sunny Northern California, 2009

Di Vittorio, Sarah; Cole, Noelle; Cooper, Tamar: Accountability in Emerging Forms of Governance: A Comparison of the California Bay-Delta Process and the European Water Framework Directive, 2008

Dingman, John: Impacts of Urbanization on Peak Flow Using Remote Sensing, 2008

Fransen, Lindsey; Ludy, Jessica; Matella, Mary: When the levees break: Relief cuts and flood management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 2008

Friedman, Noah: River Restoration for a Socially and Ecologically Devastated Border City, 2008

Ginsberg, Ben: A Decade of Changes in the Wildcat Creek Flood Control Channel, North Richmond, 2008

Ippolito, Teresa; Podolak, Kristen: A Watershed Approach to Urban River Restoration: A Conceptual Restoration Plan for Sausal Creek, 2008

Kim, Hyojin: Mercury and Methylmercury in the San Francisco Bay area: land-use impact and indicators, 2008

Lawrence, Justin E; Pollak, Josh D; Richmond, Sarah F: Perspectives on Dam Removal: York Creek Dam and the Water Framework Directive, 2008

Li, Hong; Wardani, Jane: Unpaving the Way to Creek Restoration in Lower Sausal Creek Watershed: Applying the EU Water Framework Directive to a US Urban Watershed, 2008

Chan, Andre; Heard, Sarah K: The perfect storm : flow through a restored compound channel : Tassajara Creek, Dublin, CA : assessment of the roughness, flow, floodplain conveyance, and compound channel capacity of the restoration of Tassajara Creek from the high-water marks of a 20-year storm, 2006

Cubbison, Erin O.: Channel Design to Increase Wastewater Treatment Wetland Capacity and Connectivity in Stockton, CA, 2006

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