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The Water Resources Collections and Archives (WRCA) was founded in 1957 when a special act of the California Legislature established the California Water Resources Center to function as a University-wide organized research unit dealing with the state's water resources problems. UC Berkeley coastal engineers and professors Morrough P. O'Brien and Joe W. Johnson are primarily responsible for establishing the Archives on the Berkeley campus. The Archives focuses on collecting material pertinent to California and the West. The collection consists of over 135,000 technical reports, 1,500 specialized newsletters, 5,000 maps and videos. Many of these materials are unique and cannot be found elsewhere. WRCA's holdings are represented in the Melvyl Catalog and the Online Archive of California.

There are 79 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2013. Showing 51 - 79.

Fahey, Dan: Updated flood frequencies and a canal breach on the upper Klamath River, 2006

Grantham, Ted; Tollefson, Kate: Monitoring channel change at the Sausal Creek Restoration Project, Oakland, California, 2006

Lunde, Kevin B; Weinstein, Adam H: Post-project evaluation of Tule Ponds in Fremont, California : Integration of stormwater treatment and wetland restoration, 2006

Renz, Wendy; Higgins, Tanya: Morphology, hydrology, and water quality of two vernal pools in Madera County, California, 2006

Balazs, Carolina; Lang, Micah: Hydrology and channel form of an urban creek : Rheem Creek in the context of restoration efforts, 2005

Clayton-Niederman, Z; Gilbreath, Alicia: Distribution of bed sediment on Clear Creek after removal of Saeltzer Dam, 2005

Jencks, Rosey: Landscape-based stormwater management for industrial lands Piers 94-96, 2005

Klausmeyer, Kirk: Effects of climate change on the hydrology of upper Alameda Creek, 2005

Mackie, Trina; Zhang, Eric: Crowley Lake, Mono County : nutrient loading and eutrophication, 2005

Skrtic, Lana: Hydrology of Deer Creek and its tributaries : a contribution to planning a restoration project, 2005

Anderson, Shannah; Maldague, Lorraine: An assessment of stream flow and habitat quality for steelhead trout in San Pablo Creek, Contra Costa County, 2004

Bass, Phoebe; Choy, Min: Channel incision in Rodeo Creek, Marin County, 2004

Daniels, Jubilee; Pagano, Laura: Post-project appraisal of lower Ritchie Creek dam removal, Napa County, 2004

Davis, Courtney; Nichols, Patrick: Hydrologic investigation of concrete flood control channel at UC Berkeley’s Richmond Field Station, 2004

Dean, Ronald; Steinemann, Edward: Greenroofs for stormwater runoff control : experiences from two sites, 2004

Ford, Alexander: Upland groundwater pumping and stream flow, San Jose Creek, Monterey County, 2004

Gaffney, Kathryn; Mei, Angie Anchi: Site design for a neighborhood-scale stormwater detention park in the proposed Los Angeles River National Urban Wildlife Refuge, 2004

Garcia, Luis; Orduna, Rodrigo: The influence of large woody debris on channel form, upper Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, 2004

Hall, Meredith: Comparing channel form of restored tidal marshes to ancient marshes of the north San Francisco Bay, 2004

Herron, Christy; King, Mary Ann; McDonald, Kristen: A preliminary assessment of potential steelhead habitat in Sinbad Creek, Alameda County, 2004

Holt, Ashley; Battaglia, Charles F.: Assessing channel morphology following a floodplain restoration project : Wildcat Creek, Richmond, CA, 2004

Kuroda, Miki; Williams, Jeff: Using vegetated strips to manage runoff from Zone 7 Water Agency access roads, 2004

Levine, Jessie; Stewart, Rosalyn: Fall-run chinook salmon habitat assessment : lower Marsh Creek, Contra Costa, CA, 2004

Matz, Mike; Purcell, Alison: Post-restoration changes in bed material and channel features, Redwood Creek, Marin County, 2004

Oden, Matt; DeHollan, Aurel: Continued monitoring of the Tassajara Creek restoration project 2004, 2004

Rogé, Paul: Monitoring erosion control strategies of vineyards in Napa County, 2004

Ting, Jantrue; Pope-Daum, Caitilin: Post project evaluation of Miller Creek (Marin, CA) restoration : vegetation survival, 2004

Waljeski, Christine A.; Williams, John L.: Spatial distribution and possible sources of saline waters in Rodeo Lagoon, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, California, 2004

Ferry, Mike; Miller, Peter: The removal of Saeltzer Dam on Clear Creek : an update, 2003

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