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Restoration of Rivers and Streams (LA 227)

Taught since 1992 (the longest-running course devoted to river restoration at a major research university), this course emphasizes understanding of underlying goals and assumptions of restoration and integration of science into restoration planning and design. Students review restoration plans and evaluate completed projects. In addition to lectures and discussions by the instructor, students, and an extraordinary set of guest lecturers drawn from the active restoration community, the principal course requirement is an independent term project involving original research. The term projects are peer-reviewed, revised, and ultimately added to the permanent collection of the UC Water Resources Collections and Archives, where they can be searched in the Scotty and Melvyl catalogs. Independent term projects are presented each year in a public symposium.

There are 73 publications in this collection, published between 2003 and 2013. Showing 51 - 73.

Anderson, Shannah; Balazs, Carolina: Geomorphic, vegetation and flooding characteristics for lower San Pablo Creek : a baseline study, 2004

Jencks, Rosey; Leonardson, Rebecca: Daylighting Islais Creek : a feasibility study, 2004

Levine, Jessie: Adaptive management in river restoration : theory vs. practice in western North America, 2004

Miller, Peter; Vizcaino, Pilar: Channel response to Dam Removal, Clear Creek, California, 2004

Purcell, Alison: A long-term post-project evaluation of an urban stream restoration project (Baxter Creek, El Cerrito, California), 2004

Skripnik, Steve; Moshier, Emily: Post-fire channel changes of Muddy Hollow Creek, Point Reyes National Seashore, 2004

Yin, Wan-chih; Pope-Daum, Caitilin: Post project evaluation, Miller Creek, California : assessment of stream bed morphology, and recommendations for future study, 2004

Burson, Kyla: The water balance relationship among Rodeo Tidal Lagoon, its watershed, and the ocean, 2003

Chanse, Vikki; Herron, Christy: Along Sausal Creek : an assessment of vegetation, habitat, and morphology of an adopted urban creek, 2003

Costantino, Raymond L: Gully incision in Gerbode Creek, Rodeo Lagoon watershed, 2003

de Barruel, Monique; West, Nicole: A benthic macroinvertebrate survey of Secret Ravine : the effects of urbanization on species diversity and abundance, 2003

Garrity, Nick: Tidal channel and marshplain development : Cooley Landing salt pond restoration, 2003

Hansen, Aren: Post-project appraisal of a channel reconstruction on Cuneo Creek, California, 2003

Keenan, Christina; McPherson, Mariah: The implementation of the Lower Silver Creek watershed project, 2003

King, Mary Ann; Matz, Mike: Historical narratives of Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance and Butte Creek Watershed Conservancy, 2003

Krofta, Chad; Novotney, Michael: Looking forward, looking back : monitoring the Tassajara Creek Restoration Project, 2003

Martin, Maureen; Fortin, Alex: Post project appraisal of Green Valley Creek, Solano County, California : design and management review, 2003

McNulty, M. Eliza; Wickland, Matthew: Redesigning Marsh Creek Dam to allow Chinook salmon passage, flood protection, and mercury sedimentation, 2003

Oerter, Erik: Lithologic and structural controls on the wetlands of Rodeo Creek in the Marin Headlands, Golden Gate National Recreation, California, 2003

Rowley, Charles: Contemporary streamkeepers : a comparison of two urban horticultural restoration programs, 2003

Smolko, Darrell: A post project appraisal of the restoration/rehabilitation of Alamo Creek, 2003

Swanson, Kathleen: A restoration plan for the Fly River, Papua New Guinea, 2003

Williams, John L III: Alteration of the groundwater table due to construction of a floodplain bypass at Upper Pine Creek, Concord, California, 2003

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