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Submission Guidelines

HAUNT Journal of Art encourages practitioners, graduate students, and both established and emerging scholars to submit manuscripts. Authors retain the copyright to material they publish in HAUNT, but the journal cannot re-publish material that has previously been published elsewhere and does not accept papers that are simultaneously submitted to other journals. All entries should include a brief abstract and biographical statement in a separate attachment.

We are flexible with pagination but are generally looking for written submissions between 1000-5000 words. Submissions may range from but are not limited to:

  • Show Review/Review Essays – reviews of one or two exhibitions/reviews of a subject area or concentration of several exhibitions or events – less than 2000 words
  • Book Reviews – less than 2500 words
  • Literature Review/Critical Essays – between 3000 – 5000 words
  • Interviews – less than 2000 words
  • Artist Reflections/Statements – reflections and statements about individual art practices or a forum for profound thesis writing

Style Guide

Unless a strong argument can be made for why our style guide might interfere with the content of a submission, all submissions must be formatted in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.

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