HAUNT Journal of Art is a graduate student run, peer-reviewed, open access journal from the Department of Art at University of California, Irvine, published through eScholarship. We believe speculative and innovative art writing practices are paramount to the development of radical thinking and imagination. We will cover a wide range of issues, both contemporary and historical, from a variety of disciplines and perspectives.
Current Issue, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2016
Haunt Journal of Art
Editor's Note
Editor's Note
McNeely, Andrew
Dear Camilla (On 54 Bones Gleaning the Storm)
Fiedler, Eryka
Dress, Score, Tether
Burge, Mary; Maa, Gerald
Cyclops and Slashes
Hubbard, Katherine
40 Volume
Pool, Isaac
Painting is a whale
Longino, Alan
And You Are the Wound
Wildow, Hanna
bill of rights for bodies when the are born on planet earth
Larkey, Molly
In Conversation with Alan Gilbert
McNeely, Andrew; Gilbert, Alan