Current Issue, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2016
VIIIth ISSF Scientific Program
Winters, Kraig B.; Armi, Laurence; Meiburg, Eckart; Pawlak, Gino; Spedding, Geoffrey
Emil J. Hopfinger Session
Internal hydraulic jumps: Interactions between entraining shear layers
Lawrence, Gregory A.; Armi, Laurence
Dynamics of lock-release gravity currents over sparse and dense rough bottoms
Cenedese, Claudia; Nokes, Roger; Hyatt, Jason
The front condition for gravity currents propagating over rough boundaries
Nokes, Roger; Cenedese, Claudia; Ball, Megan; Williams, Tim
Tracking mixing by overturning internal waves.
Odier, Phillipe; Bossman, Yvan; Bourget, Baptiste; Brouzet, Christophe; Joubaud, Sylvain; Dauxois, Thierry
Gyre generation after a typhoon-induced upwelling in a stratified lake
Auger, Guillaume; Wells, John C.
Oceanic Internal Waves
Global patterns of internal wave variability from observations of full-depth rotary shear spectra
Waterhouse, Amy; Kunze, Eric; MacKinnon, Jennifer; Simmons, Harper; Pinkel, Rob; Nikurashin, Maxim
Variability of the internal wave continuum: study of 2500 worldwide seasonal to inter-annual time series
Le Boyer, Arnaud; Alford, Matthew
Interactions between surface gravity wave groups and deep stratification in the ocean
Haney, Sean; Young, William
Propagation of near-inertial waves beneath atmospheric storm tracks on the non-traditional β-plane
Tort, Marine; Winters, Kraig
Near-inertial wave transmission in the Arctic Ocean
Peacock, Thomas
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Influence of forced near-inertial motion on the kinetic energy of a nearly-geostrophic flow
Taylor, Stephanne; Straub, David
Laboratory modelling of momentum transport by internal gravity waves and eddies in the Antarctic circumpolar current
Sommeria, Joel; Ajayi, Adekunle- Opeoluwa; Raja, Keshav J.; Staquet, Chantal; Viboud, Samuel; Voisin, Bruno
Interacting SQG vortices and passive scalar transport
Llewellyn Smith, Stefan; Taylor, Cecily
Boussinesq dynamics of an idealized tropopause
Asselin, Olivier; Bartello, Peter; Straub, David
Buoyancy-driven gyres in the midlatitude ocean
Hogg, Andy
Instabilities in Laboratory Flows
Experimental study of flow instabilities in a rotating annulus with local convective forcing
Scolan, Hélène; Read, Peter
Layer formation in stratified Taylor-Couette flow
Partridge, Jamie; Leclercq, Colin; Caulfield, Colm-cille; Dalziel, Stuart
Shear instabilities in a tilting tube
Tedford, Edmund; Carpenter, Jeffrey; Lawrence, Gregory
The Barostrat instability: the baroclinic instability in a rotating stratified fluid
Le Gal, Patrice; Vincze, Miklos; Borcia, Ion; Harlander, Uwe
Internal Wave Energy Cascade
Three-dimensional instability of internal gravity wave beams
Kataoka, Takeshi; Akylas, Triantaphyllos
Damping of 3D internal wave attractors by lateral walls
Beckebanze, Felix; Maas, Leo
Energy cascade in internal wave attractors
Dauxois, Thierry; Brouzet, Christophe; Ermanyuk, Evgeny; Joubaud, Sylvain; Scolan, Hélène; Sibgatullin, Ilias
Stratified Turbulence: Observations
Direct measurements of flux Richardson number in the nearshore coastal ocean
Koseff, Jeffrey; Walter, Ryan; Dunckley, Jamie; Squibb, Michael; Woodson, Brock; Pawlak, Geno et al.
Anatomy of a turbulent patch in a large shallow lake
Boegman, Leon; Bouffard, Damien
Mixing in stratified-shear flows forced by internal waves
Bluteau, Cynthia; Jones, Nicole; Ivey, Gregory
Tidal mixing, scattering, and reflection on the East Tasman slope
Pinkel, Robert
Shear instability at marginally subcritical Ri
Geyer, Rocky
Stratified Turbulence in the Lab
First report of the Milestone experiment: strongly stratified turbulence and mixing efficiency in the Coriolis platform
Campagne, Antoine; Alfredsson, Henrik; Chassagne, Remi; Micard, Diane; Mordant, Nicolas; Segalini, Antonio et al.
Three-dimensional, time-resolved velocity and density measurements of the stratified shear flow in an inclined duct
Lefauve, Adrien; Partridge, Jamie L.; Dalziel, Stuart B.; Linden, P. F.
Mixing efficiency in a lock exchange experiment
Micard, Diane; Dossmann, Yvan; Gostiaux, Louis; Venaille, Antoine
High Reynolds number stratified wakes
Brandt, Alan; Kalumuck, Kenneth
Decaying stratified grid turbulence measurements
Eiff, Olivier; Thacker, Adrien
Generation of Internal Gravity Waves
SOMAR-LES for multiscale modeling of internal tide generation
Chalamalla, Vamsi; Santilli, Edward; Scotti, Alberto; Sarkar, Sutanu
Oceanic internal gravity waves radiated after a cyclonic surface stress disturbance
Voelker, Georg Sebastian; Myers, Paul G.; Sutherland, Bruce R.; Walter, Maren
Soliton-like internal waves on a shelf: processes of their generation
Serebryany, Andrey
Basin mode internal tides
Thomas, Jennifer; Lerczak, Jim; Winant, Clint; Winters, Kraig
The generation of internal waves by explosive volcanic eruptions
Baines, Peter
Layered Flows
Internal hydraulic jumps with upstream shear and topography
Ogden, Kelly; Helfrich, Karl
Experimental study on dynamical blocking conditions of net exchange flows
Laanearu, Janek; Cuthbertson, Alan; Carr, Magda; Sommeria, Joel; Lilover, Madis-Jaak; Viboud, Samuel et al.
Extended fully-nonlinear and strongly-dispersive internal wave equations in a three-layer system
Nakayama, Keisuke; Shimizu, Kenji
Ageostrophic instability and mixing in a dense overflow
Pratt, Larry; Llewellyn Smith, Stefan; Helfrich, Karl
Paul F. Linden Session
Buoyant convection from a discrete source in closed and leaky porous media
Flynn, Morris; Roes, Mark; Sahu, Chunendra; Bolster, Diogo
A study of a model for the generation of internal waves by a moving body and its turbulent wake
Rottman, James; Brandt, Laura; Conroy, Devin
Dynamics of plumes driven by localized heating in a stably stratified ambient
Lopez, Juan; Marques, Francisco
Three-dimensional visualization of the interaction between a vortex ring and a stratified interface: the evolution of the density field
Olsthoorn, Jason; Dalziel, Stuart
The significance of engulfment in the process of turbulent entrainment by plumes
Burridge, Henry; Parker, David; Kruger, Emily; Partridge, Jamie; Linden, Paul
Lab Experiments
A filtering approach for analyzing turbulent stratified shear flows
Ecke, Robert; Odier, Philippe
High Stokes number wave focusing by a circular ridge: Internal, inertial and inertia–gravity waves
Shmakova, Natalia; Flor, Jan-Bert; Voisin, Bruno; Sommeria, Joel; Viboud, Samuel
Measurements of fluid transport by controllable vertical migrations of plankton
Houghton, Isabel; Dabiri, John
An affordable, open-source, microscale conductivity and temperature probe for density measurements in stratified flows
Luzzatto-Fegiz, Paolo; Carminati, Marco; Stefanelli, Valerio
Laboratory study on periodic heat exchanges between water and sediment in extremely shallow flows
López, Salvador; de la Fuente, Alberto; Suárez, Francisco; Meruane, Carolina
Experimental study on periodically forced interfacial gravity waves in a rotating cylindrical basin
Rojas, Pedro; Ulloa, Hugo; Niño, Yarko
Stratified Turbulence: Theory
Reduced modeling of strongly stratified turbulence
Chini, Greg
On the mixing efficiency in stably stratified turbulence
Venayagamoorthy, Karan; Koseff, Jeffrey
Isolating turbulent spots in stratified plane-Couette flow
Taylor, John; Deusebio, Enrico; Caulfield, Colm; Kerswell, Rich
Mixing efficiency in stratified turbulence
Maffioli, Andrea; Brethouwer, Geert; Lindborg, Erik
A statistical theory of mixing in stratified fluids
Venaille, Antoine; Gostiaux, Louis; Sommeria, Joel
Double Diffusion
Salt-fingering convection in the small diffusivity ratio limit
Xie, Jin-Han; Miquel, Benjamin; Knobloch, Edgar; Julien, Keith
Double-diffusive sedimentation
Burns, Peter; Meiburg, Eckart
Double-diffusive lock-exchange gravity currents
Konopliv, Nathan; Meiburg, Eckart
Fingering convection in double-diffusive, sediment-laden flows
Alsinan, Ahmad; Konopliv, Nathan; Meiburg, Eckart; Garaud, Pascale
Spatial and temporal characteristics of double-diffusive layering in relic seawater
Pawlowicz, Rich; Zaloga, Artem; Pieters, Roger
Buoyancy-Driven Flows
Entrainment in stratified environments — an interface-based approach
Krug, Dominik; Marusic, Ivan; Markus, Holzner; van Reeuwijk, Maarten
Global stability and flow transition in horizontal convection
Passaggia, Pierre-Yves; Scotti, Alberto; White, Brian
Surface salinity response to transient river discharges in a NZ ROFI system
O’Callaghan, Joe; Stevens, Craig
Tidal effects in a realistic model of a thermally buoyant plume north of Pt. Conception
Suanda, Sutara; Kumar, Nirnimesh; Di Lorenzo, Emanuele; Miller, Arthur; Haas, Kevin; Feddersen, Falk
High variability in cross-shore thermally driven exchange
Ulloa, Hugo; Davis, Kristen; Pawlak, Geno; Monismith, Stephen
Instability of Stratified Shear Flow
Stability of stratified downslope flows with an overlying isolating layer
Jagannathan, Arjun; Winters, Kraig; Armi, Laurence
Prandtl number effects on mixing in Kelvin-Helmholtz billows
Rahmani, Mona; Seymour, Brian; Lawrence, Gregory
Stability and mixing of shear layers forced by standing internal waves
Kaminski, Alexis; Taylor, John
The effect of vortex pairing and Prandtl number on mixing in moderate Reynolds number stratified flows
Dong, Wenjing; Rahmani, Mona; Lawrence, Gregory
Understanding critical layers in stratified shear flow instabilities: A wave interaction perspective
Carpenter, Jeff; Guha, Anirban; Heifetz, Eyal
Effects of solar radiation on convective plumes and internal waves in ice covered lakes
Bouffard, Damien; Zdorovennov, Roman; Zdorovennova, Galina; Terzhevik, Arkady; Wüest, Alfred
The interaction of convection & internal waves: A natural co-dimension- three dynamics
Redekopp, Larry; Song, Hang
Internal wave excitation by turbulent convection
Lecoanet, Daniel; Le Bars, Michael; Burns, Keaton; Quataert, Eliot; Vasil, Geoffrey; Brown, Benjamin et al.
Convection in rotating flows with simultaneous imposition of radial and vertical temperature gradients
Banerjee, Ayan Kumar; Balasubramanian, Sridhar; Bhattacharya, Amitabh
Effects of stratification on the dissolution of a vertical ice-face: effect of Rayleigh number
Gayen, Bishakhdatta; Mondal, Mainak; Griffiths, Ross W.
Internal Tides
Modeling internal solitary wave development at the head of a submarine canyon
Duda, Timothy; Zhang, Weifeng; Helfrich, Karl; Lin, Ying-Tsong; Newhall, Arthur
The demise of semidiurnal internal tides in the Equatorial Pacific: incoherence or dissipation?
Buijsman, Maarten; Arbic, Brian; Richman, James; Zamudio, Luis
A process study of tidal mixing over rough topography
Yi, Young Paul; Legg, Sonya; Nazarian, Robert
On the baroclinic response of supercritical topography to an oscillating tide: LES results
Jalali, Masoud; Sarkar, Sutanu
Internal tide energy transfer by nonlinear refraction
Wunsch, Scott; Drivas, Theo
Particle-laden Flows
Particle transport due to trapped cores
Gil, Gonçalo T. C.; Fringer, Oliver
High-resolution simulations of down-slope turbidity currents into a stratified saline ambient
Ouillon, Raphael; Radhakrishnan, Senthil; Meiburg, Eckart; Sutherland, Bruce
Experiments on gravity currents
Woods, Andrew; Sher, Diana; Samasiri, Pond; Mingotti, Nicola
Comparison of averaging methods for interface conductivities in one- dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils
Liu, Ruowen; Welfert, Bruno; Houston, Sandra
Phase-resolved simulations of sediment erosion due to unsteady pressure drag
Vowinckel, Bernhard; Biegert, Edward; Meiburg, Eckart
James J. Riley Session
The elephant in the room: how to define a rotation-aware Available Energy
Scotti, Alberto; Passaggia, Pierre Yves
Atmospheric boundary layer dynamics in an Alpine valley during persistent temperature inversions
Staquet, Chantal; Arduini, Gabriele; Chemel, Charles
Tidal bores, turbulence and mixing above deep-ocean slopes
Winters, Kraig
Toward Direct Numerical Simulations of the stratified turbulence inertial range
de Bruyn Kops, Steve; Riley, James J.; Portwood, G. D.
Lateral stirring in the ocean on scales of 0.1-10 km: The role of internal waves
Lelong, M.-Pascale; Early, Jeffrey J; Kunze, Eric; Sundermeyer, Miles A; Wortham, Cimarron J
Internal Gravity Waves
Non-linear internal waves pulse cold water into the shallow inner-shelf and surfzone
Sinnett, Gregory; Feddersen, Falk; Lucas, Andrew; Pawlak, Eugene; Terrill, Eric
The influence of a shoaling internal gravity wave on a dense gravity current
Hogg, Charlie; Pietrasz, Valerie; Egan, Galen; Ouellette, Nicholas
Nonlinear interactions of two incident internal waves
Dobra, Tom; Lawrie, Andrew; Dalziel, Stuart
Transmission of internal waves generated by a localized surface forcing
Supekar, Rohit; Peacock, Thomas
Scattering and trapping of obliquely incident, low-mode internal tides off a continental shelf and slope
Lerczak, James
Gravity Currents
Intrusive gravity currents propagating into two-layer stratified ambients: Vorticity modeling
Khodkar, Mohammad Amin; Nasr-Azadani, Mohamad; Meiburg, Eckart
On a slippery slope
van Reeuwijk, Maarten; Holzner, Markus; Caulfield, Colm-cille; Jonker, Harm
On gravity currents over changing topography
Negretti, Eletta; Flor, Jan-Bert; Hopfinger, Emil
Mixing efficiency in a run-down gravity current
Hughes, Graham; Linden, Paul
Vorticity-based modeling of gravity currents penetrating into ambients with arbitrary shear and density stratification
Nasr-Azadani, Mohamad; Meiburg, Eckart
Low-frequency Flow and Topography
A new theory for downslope windstorms and trapped mountain waves
Lott, Francois
The momentum balance of steady flow past an island
Musgrave, Ruth; Peacock, Tom
Observations of high-frequency internal waves and strong turbulent dissipation rates generated by a constriction between two coral atolls
Rayson, Matt; Bluteau, Cynthia; Ivey, Greg; Jones, Nicole
Fortnightly modulation of deep mixing inside a Mid-Ocean Ridge fracture zone in the Brazil Basin
Clement, Louis; Thurnherr, Andreas
The bottom-intensification of mixing causes large abyssal upwelling and downwelling
McDougall, Trevor; Ferrari, Raf
Simulation of Stratified Turbulence I
Orientation of vortical structures in turbulent stratified shear flow
Jacobitz, Frank; Moreau, Adam
Turbulent mixing in a marginally-unstable stratified shear layer
Pham, Hieu; Sarkar, Sutanu; Smyth, William D.; Moum, James N.
Energetics aspects in Direct Numerical Simulations of a turbulent stratified flow: irreversible mixing
Horne, Ernesto; Delache, Alexandre; Gostiaux, Louis
Instability, evolution, and mixing in stratified shear flow as a function of Richardson number
Werne, Joseph; Pettersson-Reif, Bjørn
Stability: Theory and Numerics
Coherent structures in stably stratified plane Couette flow
Olvera, Daniel; Kerswell, Rich
Taylor-Caulfield instabilities in a layered stratified shear flow
Ponetti, Giordano; Balmforth, Neil
Stability and nonlinear dynamics of a settling fresh water particle laden fluid below a salt water layer
Reyes, Cristian; Ihle, Christian; Arratia, Cristóbal
Surprising behaviour in the large-wavelength approximation of turbulent flow past a wavy bottom
Luchini, Paolo
The sensitivity of stratified flow stability to base flow modifications
Chen, Kevin; Spedding, Geoffrey
Stratified Boundary Layers
Temperature fronts and vortical structures in turbulent stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers
Sullivan, Peter; Weil, Jeffrey C.; Patton, Edward G.; Jonker, Harmen J.J.; Mironov, Dmitriy V.
Observations and processes of persistent near-bottom offshore flow at the shelfbreak off South Carolina, USA
Seim, Harvey; Edwards, Catherine; Lockhart, Steve
On the synergy between numerics and subgrid scale modeling in LES of stratified flows: Grid convergence of a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer
Matheou, Georgios; Chung, Daniel; Teixeira, Joao
Quantification of highly unsteady and inhomogeneous stratified turbulence in breaking internal waves on slopes
Arthur, Robert; Venayagamoorthy, Karan; Koseff, Jeffrey; Fringer, Oliver
Thorpe scales in the ``Largest” Oceanic Reynolds number flow (but still stratified) on the planet
Stevens, Craig
Simulation of Stratified Turbulence II
A numerical study of axisymmetric flow regimes in a rotating annulus with local convective forcing
Read, Peter; Wright, Susan; Su, Sylvie; Scolan, Hélène; Young, Roland
Turbulence, mixing and Prandtl number effects in stratified plane Couette flows
Zhou, Qi; Taylor, John; Caulfield, Colm-cille
Temperature front formation in stably stratified turbulence
Kimura, Yoshifumi; Sullivan, Peter; Herring, Jackson
Dynamics of flow over a sphere at Re=3700 in moderate to highly stratified environments
Pal, Anikesh; Chongsiripinyo, Karu; Sarkar, Sutanu
Reynolds number effects in stratified turbulent wakes
Diamessis, Peter; Zhou, Qi
Radiation of internal waves by symmetrically unstable fronts
Grisouard, Nicolas; Fox, Morgan B.; Nijjer, Japinder
Internal wave focusing by annular forcing
Voisin, Bruno
Thermohaline layering in dynamically and diffusively stable shear flows
Radko, Timour
Spectral link for the mean velocity profile in the atmospheric boundary layer
Zhang, Dongrong; Gioia, Gustavo; Chakraborty, Pinaki
Understanding inertial instability on the f-plane with complete Coriolis force
Zeitlin, Vladimir
Larry G. Redekopp Session
Transient and global instabilities of internal solitary waves
Passiggia, Pierre-Yves; Helfrich, Karl; White, Brian
Large eddy simulations of turbulence under internal solitary waves of depression
Sakai, Takahiro; Diamessis, Peter; Jacobs, Gustaaf
Internal solitary wave-induced bed failure in a stratified water column
Rivera-Rosario, Gustavo; Diamessis, Peter; Jenkins, James
Mode-2 internal solitary wave velocity fields and the effects of shear
Kalumuck, Kenneth; Brandt, Alan
Oblique nonlinear interaction of internal solitary-like waves in the Andaman Sea
Shimizu, Kenji; Nakamaya, Keisuke
Process Studies in the Ocean and Atmosphere
The dissolution of polar ice into a stratified ocean
McConnochie, Craig; Kerr, Ross
Turbulent dissipation rates, mixing, and heat fluxes in the Canadian Arctic from glider-based microstructure measurements
Scheifele, Benjamin; Waterman, Stephanie; Carpenter, Jeff
The dynamics of submesoscale eddies in the coastal ocean
Baschek, Burkard; Benavides, Ingrid Angel; North, Ryan Peter; Miller, Dave; Smith, Geoffrey; Carpenter, Jeffrey
On the control of buoyancy-driven devices in stratified, uncertain flowfields
Meneghello, Gianluca; Luchini, Paolo; Bewley, Thomas
Mode-2 internal waves: observations in the non-tidal sea
Khimchenko, Elizaveta; Serebryany, Andrey
Simulation of Stratified Turbulence III
A multiscale point of view on the dynamics of stably stratified turbulence associated with geostrophic modes: simulations and mode
Godeferd, Fabien; Delache, Alexandre; Gostiaux, Louis; Cambon, Claude
Acceleration-driven variable- density turbulent flow
Gat, Ilana; Matheou, Georgios; Chung, Daniel; Dimotakis, Paul
Turbulent mixing in strongly stratified shear flows
Salehipour, Hesam; Peltier, W. Richard; Caulfield, Colm-cille
Pulsating stratified turbulence in the upper equatorial oceans
Smyth, Bill; Pham, Hieu; Moum, Jim; Sarkar, Sutanu
Lakes and Rivers
Thermobaric stratification and circulation in very deep freshwater lakes
Boehrer, Bertram; Fukuyama, Ryuji; Golmen, Lars; Løvik, Jarl Eivind; Rahn, Karsten; Klaveness, Dag et al.
Modeling the oxygen depletion within stratified bottom boundary layers of lakes
Jabbari, Aidin; Boegman, Leon; MacKay, Murray; Nakhaei, Nader
Measurement of vertical oxygen flux in lakes from microstructure casts
Nakhaei, Nader; Boegman, Leon; Bouffard, Damien
Characteristics of salt water movement in mouth of River Iwaki
Sasaki, Mikio; Tanaka, Hitoshi; Umeda, Makoto
Investigating the effect of the Coriolis force on internal wave dynamics and flushing of a coastal embayment
Flood, Bryan; Wells, Mathew; Young, Joelle; Dunlop, Erin
1DV model of wind-generated internal seiches
Uittenbogaard, Rob; Rezvani, Maryam
Internal Waves in a Variable Medium
Internal-gravity wave propagation in a range-dependent waveguide with forcing at the bottom
Lahaye, Noe; Llewellyn Smith, Stefan
The relative importance of transient wave-mean-flow interactions and turbulent wave breaking in atmospheric gravity-wave parameterizations
Bölöni, Gergely; Achatz, Ulrich; Ribstein, Bruno; Muraschko, Jewgenija; Sgoff, Christine; Wei, Junhong
An experimental investigation of evanescent wave propagation through a turning depth
Lee, Allison; Crockett, Julie
Instability associated baroclinic critical layers in rotating stratified shear flow
Wang, Chen; Balmforth, Neil
The three-dimensional propagation of tsunami-generated acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere
Wu, Yue; Llewellyn Smith, Stefan; Rottman, James; Broutman, Dave; Minster, Jean-Bernard
Tide-topography interactions: Asymmetries in internal wave generation due to surface trapped currents
Lamb, Kevin; Dunphy, Michael
Stratified Wakes and Plumes
Porous media plumes: transient filling box solutions
Moradi, Ali; Flynn, Morris
Turbulent scales observed in a buoyant river plume driven by a highly variable flow
Adam McPherson, Rebecca; Stevens, Craig; O'Callaghan, Joe; Lucas, Drew; Nash, Jonathan
Dynamics of a buoyant plume in linearly stratified environment using simultaneous PIV-PLIF
Mirajkar, Harish N.; Balasubramanian, Sridhar
Experiments and simulations of low Re sphere wakes with and without stratification
Xiang, Xinjiang; Chen, Kevin; Madison, Trystan; Sellappan, Prabu; Spedding, Geoffrey
Large eddy simulation of buoyant jet in shallow water
Nakayama, Akihiko; Bricker, J. D.; Nizamani, Z.
Plenary Sessions
IAHR Fluid Mechanics Committee Lecture, Intraseasonal Dynamics of Equatorial Atmosphere and Oceans
Fernando, H.J.S.
Vertical transport of particles, drops, and microorganisms in density-stratified fluids
Ardekani, Arezoo
High-resolution observations of internal wave induced turbulence in the deep ocean
van Haren, Hans
Stratified shear instabilities at low Peclet numbers
Garaud, Pascale
Making a LIST and checking it twice: Length scales of Instabilities and Stratified Turbulence
Caulfield, Colm-cille
Flows induced by 1D, 2D and 3D internal gravity wavepackets
Sutherland, Bruce; van den Bremer, Ton S.