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The Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS) was founded in 1999 with support from the National Science Foundation under its program to promote research infrastructure in the social and behavioral sciences. CSISS programs (1999–2013) recognized the growing significance of space, spatiality, location, and place in social science research. Initiatives focused on the methods, tools, techniques, software, data access, and other services needed to promote and facilitate a novel and integrating approach to the social sciences. The program was administered through the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research and the Department of Geography at UCSB.

This eScholarship repository (based on resources under the custodianship of the Center for Spatial Studies at UC Santa Barbara) holds reports, publications, and curriculum resources completed under CSISS programs (1999–2013). For more information, see:,, and

There are 81 publications in this collection, published between 1999 and 2015.

Paper Series

  CSISS Education and Learning Resources

  Population Science and Advanced Spatial Analysis

  Reports and Special Publications

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