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Room One Thousand is a student-run, multi- and inter-disciplinary architecture journal at the University of California, Berkeley. The journal seeks to highlight new and innovative research pertaining to the study of the built environment by fostering conversation between members of the buildings sciences, social sciences, arts, architecture and humanities. Room One Thousand publishes written essays, photographs, architectural drawings, videos, and any other media format amenable to the web and printed page.

The cover of RM1004: Architectural Expertise.

Current Issue, Issue 4, 2016

Architectural Expertise

What is architectural expertise? Is it only a matter of design? Any claim to autonomy, disciplinarity, specialization, social status, philosophical essence, or historical continuity seems to depend, at least in part, on one’s answer to that question. Pedagogical success is also at stake, since one of the primary institutional functions kinds of expertise, linked to the past but adapted to the needs of the present. Where is architectural expertise located? Is it in the tacit hand of the craftworker, the skillful eye in the clouds of BIM? If architectural expertise is a cognitive attribute, can we ethnographically, like a good STS scholar? If architectural expertise is a performance, for whom does the architect perform? What does the concept reveal about the architect’s relation to the public, the client, the user, the citizen? Is that relation participatory, service-oriented, intentionally provocative? In contrast to all of these ambiguities, what is clear is that “expertise,” as a keyword in our culture, is a post-1960s phenomenon. Previous generations referred to other concepts like métier when confronting many of the same issues. What changed, then, historically and culturally? How should one Finally,what is the relation between the concept of architectural expertise and the organization and division of architectural labor, as it exists internationally and throughout the building industry? How should we think about the migration or transmission of architectural expertise across space and time? What does expertise reveal about architecture as a global practice?


RM 1000, Editors

Block, Kevin

Center for the Built Environment: tools & technologies for performance
Brager, Gail; Arens, Edward

Modelling architecture in the world of expertise
Collins, Harry; Evans, Robert; Pineda, Sergio; Weinel, Martin

Father, Child, & Ban - Nine Square Novel
Dolan, Sean Nakamura

The Art of Mud Building in Djenné, Mali
Marchand, Trevor H.J.

Saturated FAT: Replete Image in Architecture
Miller, Adam

First Kill All the Experts
Parman, John

Spaces of Complexity On Not-Knowing, Un- Learning and ‘Panoramas of Possibilties’
Schneider, Tatjana

The Note
Spatzier, Alex

Debating “Democracy”: The International Union of Architects and the Cold War Politics of Expertise
Zubovich, Katherine

A Career at the Hinge: Paul Groth and Cultural Landscape Studies
Lopez, Sarah; Groth, Paul

Researching Architectural Research
Sachs, Avigail; Gaugler, Jennifer

Book Review: Peggy Deamer's "The Architect as Worker"
Tomer, Sharóne L.

Housing the Dead: A lense through local densification patterns
Au, Matthew

City of the Captive Audience
Harvey-Cheetham, Nick; Barber, Neal

Aether House
Turcott, Foster

Who What When Where How Why
Chen, Jessica; Narell, Mia

Dynamic Ceramic
Suon, Phirak

Warren-Mohr, Isabella; Gravier, Keenan

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Journal Info

Room One Thousand

ISSN: 2328-4161
e-ISSN: 2328-417X
Department of Architecture
230 Wurster Hall #1800
Berkeley, CA 94720-1820

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