B. The Journal Home screen

The Journal Home screen lists your permissions for the journal and gives an overview of pending manuscripts, separated into three queues (Unassigned, In Review, In Editing) and an Archive (which includes published and rejected items).

  1. You can always return to this familiar starting point by clicking the Journal Home link in the navigation header.
  2. Each permission (or role) assigned to your account is represented by a link, which will take you into a workflow specifically tailored to that role's task. These roles are:
    • Configure Journal (Journal Manager role) - The Journal Manager can make configuration changes to the journal, such as editing email templates, adding new users, or modifying the workflow.
    • Manage All Submissions (Editor role) - The Editor role has access to all manuscripts submitted to the journal, can register an editorial decision, and can publish issues.
    • Manage Section (Section Editor role) - The Section Editor role has access to only the manuscripts which have been assigned to them. By default, Section Editors can also register editorial decisions, however the Journal Manager can modify the journal's settings to prevent Section Editors from registering decisions (Setup step 4.5). Section Editors cannot publish issues.
    • Submit or Revise Manuscript (Author role) - Authors use this link to submit manuscripts for consideration, monitor the status of their submission, view peer review results, upload revisions and participate in other editorial activities.
    • Respond to Review Request (Reviewer role) - Reviewers use this link to respond to and complete requests for peer review.
  3. Next to each role listed on this page are shortcuts to the various manuscript queues, as well as some specialized shortcuts to functions such as Create Issue and New Submission. These same queues and links are represented by clicking on the role title (such as Manage All Submissions).

Click on the Manage All Submissions link before moving on to slide C.

B. The Journal Home screen Zoom

Other topics for Editors

Next slide: C. Manage All Submissions (Editor Home)